Employee Performance Review

HR Case Study

Periodic performance review results are among the most sensitive personal information companies collect and draw conclusions from.

They are is being used for promotions, salary evaluations, as well as taking actions related to non-performing employees.

What if...
companies could review employee performance data, free from personal biases that can emerge when identities are revealed?

Unbiased evaluations can boost trust and retention, reduce turnover costs, and optimize training. Improved decision-making can create a fairer workplace and more efficient workforce management.

Problem: Taking Non-biased Decisions based on Performance Reviews

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Maximal Objectivity

Anonymized team performance results can be evaluated by HR department or managers from a different team, to ensure maximal objectivity.

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Stigma Prevention

When taking decisions on the future of non-performing employees, the results can be easily shared with decision-makers, without stigmatizing individuals who will continue their careers at the company.


Salary Reviews

The performance of the employees can be compared to their compensation and to team compensation bands when deciding on yearly salary reviews and bonuses.


Assignment to Training

Compare performance reviews across teams and locations to plan appropriate training.

Without FileSafe

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Not compliant

to be used for anything else than performance review

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Not safe

to be stored at local devices

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Should not be shared with other managers

Details can be traced back to the individual, even if the name is removed

With FileSafe



Can be used internally and externally for any purpose - not only performance review

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Even if data sets are accessed by unauthorised individuals

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Possible to be shared with other managers

Details can’t be traced back to the individual



Possible Fines Prevented


For a company with an annual turnover of €2m, nearly €60.000 fine could be applied in case of employee performance data breach.

Employees' Trust & Retention

Reduce personal biases by allowing impartial HR employee or another manager to assess results of employee evaluation. Make sure that people who underperformed on a given year do not get discriminated in the following years*. * According to Pew Research Center 2021 study, 35% quit because they feel disrespected.

Personnel Turnover & Training Costs

Reduce the costs of unnecessary personnel turnover by taking unbiased decisions* on who has to be let go. Plan & allocate the training exactly to the needs of your employees, across teams and locations. * According to the 2019 Gallup Study, 50% of people quit to get away from their manager.